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Cookie Policy

This website “” (referred to as ‘the website’) uses cookies to enhance your browsing experience. Certain areas of the website also use cookies to understand more about you, so we can offer you a more personalized browsing experience. We store just rudimentary device information and the date of the consent which is not traceable back to the user, just to identify if the user accepts or declines our cookies.

You can find out more about cookies and how to manage them in the sections below. You can change your cookie settings and disable some or all cookies for the website at any time using the form below. You can also change your browser settings so that cookies cannot be placed on your device.

If you have any questions in relation to the cookies we use, please contact us at

What is a cookie?

A “cookie” is a technology that allows the website to store tokens of information (an “identifier”) in your browser used by the website while you are on the website. Cookies are then sent back to the website on each subsequent visit, or to another webpage that recognizes that cookie.

Cookies are used in order to enhance the user experience on the website, as well as to provide information to the owners of the website.

Cookies achieve various goals, like letting you navigate between pages efficiently, remembering your preferences, and generally improving the user experience. Cookies may tell us, for example, whether you have visited the website before or whether you are a new visitor. They can also help to ensure that adverts you see online are more relevant to you and your interests.

When landing on the website, you have been given the opportunity to accept cookies used on the website, to accept certain categories of cookies and decline others, or to decline all cookies altogether. If you have accepted our use of some or all cookies, the following information relates to cookies used on the website. Please note that any consent to accept or to decline cookies is limited to the website’s other websites or any other pages, which may be hyperlinked to our website or portal.

For more information on cookies used by those websites, please refer to the specific privacy notice or cookie policy on those websites.

There are two broad categories of cookies:

  • first-party cookies, served directly by us to you;
  • third-party cookies, which are served by a third party on our behalf.

Cookies can remain on your computer or mobile device for different periods of time. Some cookies are “session cookies”, meaning that they exist only while your browser is open. These are deleted automatically once you close your browser. Other cookies are “permanent cookies”, meaning that they survive after your browser is closed. They can be used by the website to recognize your computer when you open your browser and browse the Internet again.

Do Not Track

If we detect that you have enabled the Do Not Track setting in your browser, we will automatically disable Advertising/Targeting cookies.

What types of cookies do we use?

The website uses cookies that perform four functions, as classified below:

  • essential/strictly necessary cookies, which are essential to the functioning of the website;
  • performance cookies, which help us measure the website’s performance and improve your experience. In using performance cookies we do not store any personal data, any information that is aggregated by these cookies is stored in an anonymized form;

In addition, we also utilize cookies on certain pages of the website to communicate with third-party data suppliers in order to extrapolate your digital behavior. This helps us to understand and target more relevant advertising in the future. The information we receive is anonymized but will include statistics such as demographics, online behavior, product interests, and lifestyle. Targeting and tracking cookies are provided via trusted third-party suppliers. Should you require more information regarding our suppliers and how these cookies operate please contact us.

Variation clause

It may be necessary to amend this Cookie Policy at times based on changing technical and business needs or to comply with the legislative or regulatory requirements of the EU Data Protection Law.

Essential modifications are those that affect your rights and state with regard to the protection and processing of your personal data. Essential modifications may include but are not limited to, the launch of new services and the deployment of new technologies. Therefore, if we make essential modifications to this Cookie Policy, we will send you a notice through our services, or by other means, and give you the opportunity to review the changes before they become effective.

In addition, from time to time we may make minor modifications to our Cookie Policy. These types of modifications may include but are not limited to, organizational and grammatical changes in order to make this policy easier to read. The fact that you continue to use our services after we publish the updated Cookie Policy with only minor modifications means that the processing of your personal data is subject to the updated Cookie Policy with only minor modifications.

We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on cookie use.

Current state of the consent: denied

This website uses cookies 🍪

We use cookies to improve your experience on the website and to collect analytical information about your page visits. We value your privacy and protect your data in accordance with the law.

You can learn more about our cookie policy and privacy policy.

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